Anchor Network - Community Business Tool

This Anchor Network - Community Business Tool catalogs businesses in the STLAAN Focus Footprint which includes 22 zip codes that span St. Louis City and St. Louis County. We hope this helps you explore possible business partners and supports your outreach with those who can meet your needs for goods and services.

This tool uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) under the Industry Category option.
NAICS codes and categories are not necessarily intuitive.

To help your search, click the following link for a keyword search of category titles

For some services, such as for promotional items, you may need to consider other descriptions, such as advertising. (e.g. to find promotions items, search Other Services Related to Advertising)

There is a search bar in the NAICS Industry field to help you navigate faster to your specific service.

FAQ for the Anchor Network - Community Business Tool

Focus Geography includes the following Zip codes: 63101, 63102, 63103, 63104, 63106, 63107, 63112, 63113, 63114, 63115, 63118, 63120, 63121, 63133, 63134, 63135, 63136, 63137, 63138, 63140, 63147, 63155